West of the Undercity above the small town of Deathknell, is a very curious place - The Whispering Forest. Within the forest, lies an even stranger location a Faerie Ring.
The ring is surrounded by some kind of large mushrooms which eminate a strange glow. The circle of mushrooms remains inactive most of the time, but every few hours a number of Faerie Dragons/Fae Drunk Darters will appear, and surround the circle. The Faerie Dragons will place themselves to face each other and sing a beautiful song, for what reason, remains unknown. Beams of light come from the Faerie Dragons and converge at the middle of the mushroom circle, and the animals of the Whispering Forest come to watch them.
After the strange ritual is complete, the animals and the Faerie Dragons return from wherever it is they came from, their task complete - until they are required again.
If you wish to explore the area yourself you can venture to coordinates 20,68 in Tirisfal Glades.